UK Pension Fund Insolvency Soars by 30% in a Single Year
The London Sunday Times business section headline demonstrates what is really facing us and governments implode. Public sector pensions liability surged 30% in a single year due to low bond yields. It...
View ArticleECB Negative Rate Experiment May Lead to the Worst Financial Crisis in Modern...
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Your proposition that the quantity of money theory is dead seems to be a true earth shattering perspective. It certainly disproves the Austrian School and the events post 2008...
View ArticlePrivate v Public Pension Funds & Who MUST Own Govt Bonds
QUESTION: Martin. Do you give credence to the work of … ? Can’t government pension funds be privatised or sent to open market? Thank you. NM ANSWER: No, I do not. The problem is far more complicated....
View ArticleIMF Recommends “DEEP” Negative Interest Rates as the Next Tool
The IMF has continued to assume that the zero-bound on interest rates can be a serious obstacle for fighting recessions on the part of the central banks. The IMF maintains that the zero-bound is not a...
View ArticlePensions
QUESTION: Re: why the welfare state will collapse. Once again it seems that the computer is right. The United States will follow in the footsteps of Rome. My question for you is will the government be...
View ArticleSwiss Man Identifies as a Woman to Retire Early
As of January 1, Swiss citizens may change their gender on paper for the price of 75 Swiss francs. Four days after the law was implemented, a man (born XY) by the name of Luzerner Zeitung found a way...
View ArticleFrench Protestors Target BlackRock
@c4news Protesters in Paris invade the offices of the US-based investment firm BlackRock, as unrest continues over the retirement age rising from 62 to 64. #France #Paris #Protests #franceprotests ♬...
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